Ever since Trey was born I've had a hard time sitting down and just blogging. There have been so many things from his birth and beyond that I have wanted to share but for some reason I haven't been able to do it, I felt overwhelmed and like I couldn't write about anything else until I recapped everything that has been going on. So I've decided to just do these posts here and there while moving forward with lots of baby & non-baby related posts that I have had brewing in my iPhone!
Here's a peek into my world of the magical day Trey was born.
Tuesday, August 3:I'm a few days overdue, so we meet with my OB to discuss an induction and after some tests she decides that we need to do a c-section instead.
I'm heartbroken.
I spent my entire pregnancy taking classes so that I could have him naturally, without any drugs at all.
Scared and nervous we spend the evening talking, looking over all of the pictures we took while I was pregnant and having some family over. My sister in law and her amazing boyfriend bring us hot
krispy kreme donuts at 11:30 pm (Perfect timing - I couldn't eat after midnight) and let me tell you, those were the best donuts I have ever had in my life!
Lots of tears are shed, both good and bad. I curl up next to DH and sleep peacefully for the first time in months. And while we were scared and nervous we were also just so excited to know were were going to finally meet our son!!
Wednesday, August 4:We arrive at the hospital and I'm slightly on edge but at this point DH and I are starting to relax some, we're just so ready to have the c-section over and to be snuggling with our baby. The prep time seems to take forever, and then they have to put my procedure on hold because one of my
OB's patients was in active labor and it was time for her to push.

What feels like a million years later it's finally time to go to the OR.
They won't let DH in the room with me while they do the epidural and as the doors swing open and closed I can see him pacing the hall. The epidural takes wonderfully (why didn't I want one of these?) and everyone in the OR is amazing, we were all laughing and smiling like old friends by the time DH is able to come in.
He later tells me how shocked he was by my demeanor and how impressed he was that I was so happy and positive when he came in. I'm pretty sure I great with a "HI BABY!! I'm ready!!"
From the time of the epidural to the time Trey was born felt like nothing!! It was so quick, and honestly an amazing experience. It wasn't what I planned on but you know what they say about best laid plans!
Hearing him cry was the best sound ever. EVER!
We were excited to find that he was very healthy at 9 lb 7 oz and 21 inches!

DH went with him to the nursery and was actually able to cut the umbilical cord there. Something we thought he was going to miss out on completely. I had some issues and was stuck in the OR for a while. But once I was able to leave DH, Trey and I were all reunited in our hospital room.

At this point our family (ALL OF THEM) had been waiting around in the lounge for hours. The nurses recommended only having a few people in at a time. But it was getting late so DH and I decided to just let them all in at once. It may not have been the best idea at the time because I was so overwhelmed but looking back it was almost like a great little birthday party!!

{My Sister-in-law}Everyone was oohing and
ahhing over Trey and talking amongst one another. DH was greeting everyone and talking to them about the birth. I must have been a little out of it (Oh, right THIS is why I wanted a drug free labor..) and I was kind of in my own little world just staring at this beautiful little baby. At one point I just bust out with "I just
LOOOOVE him" and my cousin is the only one who caught it amongst the commotion and about died. She instantly squealed and said it was the sweetest thing she has ever heard in her life.
{My cousin & Mom in the background}After everyone had a chance to hold Trey we slowly had them make their way out and the nurse came in to check on us. During this time, I had 3 of my closest girlfriends and one of
DH's close friends come in all at once. It was a total surprise but wonderful that they were all able to visit at once.
I started to get stressed because at this point, I hadn't been able to try and nurse Trey yet and I knew that BF was something I really wanted to do. Luckily once everyone was gone and I was left alone with our new little family Trey took to nursing like a little superstar! I was so happy (and emotional) and I cried some wonderful tears of joy. (And yes, there will be some BF posts to come, who knew how much stuff you needed to nurse comfortably!?!)
We ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days total and we had the best experience. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. When it was finally time for me to eat again I mentioned to the nurse how much I would love a cheeseburger and a Sprite. And POOF about 45 minutes later guess what was at my door? Amazing!
Saturday, August 7:We were definitely ready to go home by now. The last night in the hospital was pretty rough. Trey ended up with some jaundice and was dropping well below his 9lb 7oz birth weight too quickly. We were up late talking with the nurses and praying that we would be able to take Trey home the next day.
We ended up having to supplement with formula until my milk came in, and while it was such a hard and emotional decision at the time (because I was scared that it would have a negative effect on BF - luckily it didn't), I look back now and realize it's just what we had to do. As for the jaundice, it ended up being
ok. After meeting with the pediatrician the Monday after we left the hospital we were instructed to put him in front of the window for a few days and it cleared up pretty quickly.
After a morning class in the nursery of how to take care of your baby, a shower and saying our goodbyes it was time to go home!

We gathered up our belongings then Trey and I were wheeled outside. It was such a warm and beautiful day. I remember being in awe of life and nature and just being so thankful to be going home as a little family! The drive home was short but great, I sat in the back with Trey, who slept the whole time! And DH drove very slowly and carefully, he had the worlds most precious cargo in the back!

We arrived to this sweet stork, a gift from his family! I of course cried when I saw it, I had always seen them before driving down the road and would always think to myself, oh a new baby how wonderful! Well this time, we were the ones with the wonderful new baby and our lives changed forever!!