I was recently asked to review the Fisher Price EZ Bundle 4-in-1 Baby System and I jumped at the chance to try it out!
The four essentials that are included in the bundle are:
Infant Swing
• 6-speeds for variety
• 3-point restraint
• Comfy stain-resistant seat pad
• Approx. 0-6 Months, Maximum weight: 25 lbs.
• Use Swing from birth until child becomes active and attempts to climb out of the product.
High Chair
• 5-point restraint
• Comfy stain-resistant seat pad
• Approx. 6-24 Months, Maximum weight: 50 lbs.
• Use High Chair only with a child who has enough upper body control to sit up unassisted.
Newborn Seat
• Great for feeding or napping!
• 3-point restraint
• Comfy stain-resistant seat pad
• Approx. 0-6 Months, Maximum weight: 25 lbs.
• Use Infant seat from birth until child is able to sit up unassisted.
Toddler seat
• Holds toddlers up to 50 lbs.!
• Comfy stain-resistant seat pad
• Approx. 18 Months & up, Maximum weight: 50 lbs.
• Use Toddler seat only with a child capable of getting into and out of the product unassisted.
My Experience:
Since Trey is only a month old I put together the infant seat and the swing. And while the hubby has put together every single baby item in this house I decided to give this one a whirl myself. I was a little overwhelmed at first because everything comes in this big box but once I laid the pieces out and noticed that every item is put together with the same size screws I found it to be a breeze! It didn't take me long at all and I was on my way to testing it out with my baby.
We tried out the infant seat first and to our surprise he really enjoyed it. He's been suffering from some reflux and I think that the shape of this seat is awesome, it seems to put him in a very comfortable position. The seat is also very lightweight and I think will be great to use in other parts of my home such as the kitchen while I'm making dinner.
And since you simply "snap" the seat into the swing - the transition was seamless. So seamless in fact, he fell almost immediately asleep!! The swing takes a second to get going since it runs of batteries and while some may find that a downfall (having to keep purchasing batteries) I see it as a great benefit because you can take it anywhere!
Here are some Pro's and Con's that I have found with this system:
- Great price, $150 for all of these items is a steal!
- Wonderful shape of the seat
- The pad is washable and all of the other components seem to wipe down easily
- The swing runs on batteries (which means it is easily portable and we have decided will be great to take outside on the deck for early-fall suppers!)
- I'm personally not a huge fan of the look of these items, I think they could have made them look a little more modern
- The swing lacks any sort of vibration or music, these are often a must when a baby is fussy
Where to buy your own? You can purchase this set directly through the Fisher Price site here or the Babies R Us site here, it retails for $150.00.
I was provided this product for an honest review, I received no financial compensation.
Good to know! I look at these every time I go to BRU.
Sa-weet! I love hoe it grows with your child!!
I'm so glad you got to review this!!! Trey looks VERY happy in that first picture :)
Great review! I was reading this post thinking " I would totally buy this IF it looked prettier!" ha I like baby things that come in solid colors but all baby makers insist on prints. how easy do you think traveling with thsi system would be> Does that swing frame fold flat?
I love beachbumandbaby.blogspot.com! Here I always find a lot of helpful information for myself. Thanks you for your work.
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