I swear, since the day Trey came out of the womb he has just had the silliest personality. He's always been really "smiley" and laughed very easily.
Well, now that he is talking so much it's time for JD and I to do the laughing.
Yesterday when Trey woke up from his nap JD went upstairs to get him and the conversation went like this:
JD: "Trey, do you need diapey time?" Trey: "I see your butt" (giggle. giggle. giggle.)
Oh yes, that would be my toddler's first 4 word sentence.....
"I see your butt."
Why, might you ask? WHY would Trey say this? Oh that would be a MOM FAIL because when he's been running around naked I joke "I see your booty, I see your butt, ha ha ha" and we laugh.
Um. Yea.
p.s. I don't normally post about things involving Trey's booty but I couldn't resist. JD and I have been cracking up about this ever since!
Living in Virginia it doesn't get too painfully cold - just enough to give us some winter "blahs" and really dry out your skin and lips!!
My top beauty products for the winter are as follows:
1. Vaseline Total Moisture - I flip flop between this line and the Vaseline Intensive Rescue. No matter how much water I drink during January - March my skin just always seems dry and slightly irritated. Both of these lotions really help to bring it back to a comfortable and soft state. I make sure to slather this on immediately after I get out of the shower.
2. Loreal Sublime Bronze Towelettes - These are for the winter blahs really. Just adding even the tiniest bit of color in these cold, gray months helps me feel a little extra pep in my step. These are great. They are always under $15 and EASY. Like, even SAHM's with toddlers can find the extra 60 seconds to wipe one all over after a shower and go! (I do use these on my face as well, and sometimes they dry your skin out a little - no worries - you can definitely apply the Vaseline lotion that I mentioned above right after applying. It will not affect your tan at all!)
3. EOS Lip Smooth Spheres - oh how I love these! I only discovered them about a year or so ago but I have been hooked!! They are 95% organic and 100% natural which makes me feel better about using them on myself as well as Trey when his little lips seemed chapped. They smell absolutely AMAZING!!! I love the shape of them too, as they are a little bit easier to find in my bag then a traditional lip balm.
I feel like cold weather beauty definitely takes more work than when it's warm outside!! But a few simples tweaks in your beauty routine are well worth it!? What are your favorite cold weather helpers?
When I first started seeing valentine's on Pinterest a few months ago I instantly fell in love with these since Trey is currently obsessed with goldfish crackers - aka - "FISHIES"!
I'm a Mama to a sweet baby boy that was born in August 2010. I love my son, husband, family and friends more than anything in the whole world. I adore shopping, crafting, decorating, entertaining and all things pink & green. I spend way too much time at the beach, but wouldn't have it any other way!