So moving on, yes, we are very aware that many of these things we think we "need" are going to be unnecessary or he's not going to like them and we're fine with that. You have to learn somehow.
Here I'd like to share some things that I WISH new moms-to-be were able to include at the fantastic Babies-R-Us and similar type stores. You know - things we really need.
1. Pre-natal massages. Do I need to explain?
Yea, I didn't think so...
2. A cleaning service for the third trimester and once the baby is here. I may be in nesting mode but that doesn't mean I have any desire to get down on my hands and knees and scrub any corners of a bathroom floor.

Especially knowing people are going to want to just pop in after he's here - I'd like my house to be in acceptable shape.
3. Wine... for after he's here. Nothing like not drinking for 9 months to make a girl want a glass of sangria on a hot summer's day!

4. Bi-weekly pedicures. Yes, you read that right. Every TWO weeks. For once in my life I feel like I really have a legitimate excuse to not try and make my pedicure last as long as possible. (Which is what I usually do, I'm frugal like that.) I can barely reach my feet, never mind try and paint my toes or scrape the icky stuff off of the bottom. Plus the scrub/massage combo by my lady "Sandy" rivals that of an upscale spa.
These are actually pictures from my last pedi which was sadly 2.5 weeks ago - I had borrowed Turquoise & Caicos by Essie from the super-sweet Stuttering Shell. I wasn't sure if I would like it at first and now I'm obsessed with it and hoping it finally comes in the mail today so I can go get it put on my toes again!
5. A Babymoon or things to do on our Babymoon. (Which, yes, I still need to post a re-cap of - it was fabulous!). When you get married you can register for things such as swimming with the dolphins, breakfast in bed or couples spa treatments. You should totally be able to do the same for Babymoons! It should show up on your "Babies R Us" registry right next to things like burp clothes!
Ladies wouldn't you agree? And what else am I missing? I'm sure that I'm not the only one who feels this way!!
5. A Babymoon or things to do on our Babymoon. (Which, yes, I still need to post a re-cap of - it was fabulous!). When you get married you can register for things such as swimming with the dolphins, breakfast in bed or couples spa treatments. You should totally be able to do the same for Babymoons! It should show up on your "Babies R Us" registry right next to things like burp clothes!
Ladies wouldn't you agree? And what else am I missing? I'm sure that I'm not the only one who feels this way!!
I'm taking notes! This all sounds amazing!
Such great ideas. I like to give a small gift for the baby after he/she arrives but would much rather do a gift for my Mommy friends during their pregnancy. I hope those maids show up to your house soon and bring "Sandy" and the massage therapist with them!!! XOXO
I think you're on to something! :)
Oh, I totally agree. I never got a pre-natal massage (I'm a little phobic about people touching me) but DH did massage my legs and feet every night. It was bliss!
This is such a great list and I especially like the idea of hiring a cleaning service. I know that you’re going to have everything ready to go like a pro once the little bean arrives. I’m glad that you have been getting pre-natal massages, because I’m sure they’re very relaxing.
I LOVE that color that Michelle let you borrow. I am on such a turquoise kick right now. I think that would be perfect for a pedicure. Now I want it!
I cannot wait to hear more about the Babymoon and I’m so glad that the two of you were able to get away.
Although I haven't had children yet, I totally agree with all those things!! I love that nail color--what a fun summer color.
I think the same thing! There should be a "fun" registry. Hopefully your baby shower attendees will see this :)
Oh I totally agree! I'm 12 weeks pregnant right now, and could use all of the above NOW please! Such a cute post! I'm going to suggest the babymoon to my hubby right now!
Great ideas and list!
I love that nail polish color! Bi weekly pedis sounds amazing!
Love the biweekly pedis. I would totally go do that now, but I think hubs would be upset. Go girl!!
this is a great idea! You should come up with a company, it would make millions!
I painted my toes T&C before we left for Hatteras and they are a hot mess now! And, can you believe, I painted my toes the night before I delivered Aidan. Adam said it was quite the sight to see!! LOL
I have the same color on my toes right now! I even spotted it on your toes before you showed us the bottle.
Sign me up for the cleaning service and the wine!!! Not much longer though!!!
We have a "take out dinner" cash gift fund on So random I know but everyone has told me that diapers and bottles will be great but this is one perk I'd love so much since apparently I won't have time nor energy to cook a different meal every night lol. Oh boy
pre-natal massages! of course, I'd never think of that, but I may get one of those for my next baby shower! what a great idea :)
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