I cannot believe I am 40 weeks today. I'm so, so excited to meet sweet baby Trey but I am so sad that this pregnancy is almost over! (Is that weird?) I have loved being pregnant and I still smile when I feel him move like it's the first time!! Since I don't have a picture to go along with this weeks survey, because well, I look a mess and we're just going to leave it at that. I thought I'd share some from the past 40 weeks instead.
Total Weight Gained?: Too many. We can just leave it at that.
Maternity Clothes: Yes! And I wish I had gotten some maternity pjs... I feel like it's too late now!
Stretch Marks?: My skin HURTS! I can definitely tell it's being stretched to it's limits.
Sleep?: Ehhh, I'm up pretty late most nights... at this point I can't tell if it's anxiety and excitement or just not being able to get comfy. Probably a little bit of everything.
Labor Signs: Some cramping, some contractions and I'm 2 1/2 cm dilated but nothing that really makes me think he's coming any time soon. I'm thinking he's just really comfy in there!
Best Moment of the Week?: Finishing up projects, his room, his bathroom, things around the house. I just feel like we are as ready as we are ever going to be for him to come home and live with us!
Movement? He's still a rockstar. I know that it's supposed to slow down now, and it has a little but now when he really gets moving it's crazy!! Since he is so big my whole stomach moves and you can see actual feet when he presses hard - it's so cool!
Food Craving?: Haribo Raspberry Candy, Rita's Italian Ice and Fro-yo (aka the usual suspects)
Food aversions: None! I'm so excited to like coffee again.
Belly Button? Still in, my sister is still harassing me... (I think I'm sad to announce that it's never going to pop out)
What I miss? Nothing at all right now, but I am starting to think about how much I'm going to miss being pregnant and feeling him move. I of course, cannot wait to hold him and love him up but I know that these times of having him in my belly are precious and will soon be over!
What I'm looking forward to: Going to the Dr. on Monday to discuss my "options" as they say. When we went in last week the Dr. said that she thinks he is pretty big and we need to start discussing an induction. I'm not sure how I feel about this because I have heard so many horror stories about the pitocin and how bad it makes your contractions. At the same time, I really would like to avoid a c-section at all costs. In the mean time, I'm just going to hope that he decided to come on his own.
Weekly Wisdom: Just to enjoy these last few days of being pregnant!
Milestones: Hitting 40 weeks... today!!Sweet Trey also recently got spoiled by two sweet bloggers - and I had to share with you the cuteness!

Rachel, from In No Simple Language got Trey these super cute Frog outfits and matching washclothes! I love the little frog on the back of the pants - too cute! Thank you so much Rachel, I can't wait to put these on him!! And I know that the washclothes are going to come in handy, I'm pretty sure that these are one of those things that you really can't have too much of!

I hope that everyone is having a fabulous weekend! Hopefully I'll have some news for you all soon!!!