And here I am again copying sweet
Kati with another installment of iPhone Foto Friday!
The poor hubs - his week went something like this: work all day, and then come home and either work on Trey's bathroom (which should be done this weekend! YAY!) -OR- put together things...
Like the BOB stroller....
The Little Lamb bouncer (which Lulu was entirely too interested in!)
And the Sweetpeace soothing center - which sadly sounded like a dying cow when we plugged it in. I called Graco and they are shipping us a new motor. Pretty disappointing to get something like this that's kind of pricey to have it not even work correctly, but I do appreciate their excellent customer service!
I'm pretty sure him & Lulu need a few naps for all of the work "they've" put in!
This week I also came home to a super sweet package for Trey from Auntie Jules at
Chic & Pink! Aren't you just dying at the onesie & burp cloth!! SO sweet! Thanks again Jules!!
The heat has really been getting to me...
And it's somehow been FORCING me to stop at 7-11 for these! I never knew I liked Slurpees so much - we're going to blame this one on the heat and baby Trey! :) Probably the last of the cravings!
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend!!!
Did you get my presents yet???
Putting all the baby gear together is hard work! It took both of us over an hour to figure at the dang bouncy seat...we haven't even attempted the swing yet! I did however master the pack n play after my friend and her baby visited last week. Did you know once fully assembled a PNP won't fit through doorways? Yeah. Neither did I. Be sure to put it up in it's final resting place or you will be taking it apart several times!
PS I didn't know your little guy was going to be Trey! I love that name!
Wow! I can't believe how hot it is there! You poor thing!! You're almost there though!! Wahoo!! Can't wait to see the little one!
boy oh boy!! The hubs sure got busy!!!
He is a good man for putting all of those baby things together! The Lamb bouncer is too cute and I love the little ears. The photo of JD and Lulu is so sweet.
I’m so glad you liked your gift :)
It has been way too hot up here, so I can only imagine what it’s been like for you being almost 9 months pregnant. I would run right for the slurpee machine too.
I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend!
Jules is just the sweetest!!! Love the gators for Trey!!!
Can't believe how much stuff he put together. They definitely deserved the nap.
Stay cool my friend!!! XOXO
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