Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. What colour are your toenails painted?
OPI Skull and Glossbones - part of the Pirates of the Caribbean collection. My nail lady usually hates the colors I pick but she said that she actually liked this one! Ha!
2. What colour are your fingernails painted?
Sally Hansen Complete in Golden Ticket. (Nope. Not sick of it yet.)
3. What is your favourite brand of nail polish?
I have ALWAYS been an OPI girl. But for realz... this Sally Hansen Complete is kind of changing the nail game.
4. As the norm, do you DIY your nails or get mani/pedis?
I do my own finger nails but I can't paint my own toes to save my life so I have to go get them done. I'm slightly obsessive about it. But really - I can't help but be addicted to the foot scrub/massage part!
5. Have you ever had a gel mani? Do you recommend it?
Yes! I used to get axxium manicures before I had Trey and I loved them! A little too pricey for our budget these days though! (Here's an old pic I found on my phone of an OPI Axxium mani in Lincoln Park After Dark - I love how shiny they are!)
6. What is the last movie you watched on television? (TV, Netflix, Redbox, etc.)
7. What is the last movie you watched in the cinema?
8. Is there a movie that everyone talks about as if it is a classic but you haven’t seen?
Goonies. Princess Bride. Indiana Jones. Shreck. Every Other Movie That You Think Is A Classic. The hubs gives me such a hard time about this...
9. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Rent probably doesn't count since it's a musical. So I'm going with Clueless. I used to rock that cd like woah.
10. Have you ever seen a movie and thought it was better than the book it was based on?
No way! I think we are all still waiting for that!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Mid Life Crisis?
Monday, July 18, 2011
She's Crafty: Trey's Bday Sneak Peek
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Saturday Morning Scene
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
{Almost} Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
10 On Tuesday
1. When you are on a plane and the kid behind you is kicking your seat, what do you do?
Before I had kids I probably would have been really annoyed. Ha! You didn't know I was like that, did you? Yep, when I heard kids cry and act out in my early 20's I would be SO annoyed. Now I'd probably just ignore it or ask the child or mom to stop. Things like that really don't bother me anymore.
2. What food that you KNOW is bad for you and you shouldn’t have, but you love/eat it anyway?
Iced coffee, a little too much wine and CUPCAKES!
3. What is your favorite book of all time?
This is such a hard question! Chick lit type books - I just adore The Bergdorf Blondes and for real books I'd have to go with The Shack.
4. If I came to visit you in your town, where would we eat?
Fun question! We would go to one of my favorite seafood spots Rudees or Bubbas!
5. You have 500 dollars and 40 minutes to spend it at any store you want. Where do you go?
If I want something for me? I'm headed to either Saks for a new LV or DY piece or Nordstrom for some fall gear.
If it's for Trey? Probably for toys and books!!
6. What blog do you read every day/the most often?
All of the ones on my sidebar! Which I desperately need to update (add to!)
7. What’s the longest you’ve ever been stuck at an airport?
I've only had one bad layover and that was with my Grandma when I was 9! I barely remember it but she was amazing so I'm sure we had a blast anyway!
8. What’s your daily makeup/face/cleansing routine?
I use Purity Made Simple by Philosophy with my pink Clarisonic pro in the shower. After I get out I use the Olay Anti-Aging Eye Roller and slather on Philosophy's When Hope is Not Enough (with SPF!) all over my face, neck and hands.
And for the make-up - you can read all about it here!
9. Where is your farthest away friend?
My sorority little sister now lives in Ankorage, AK - oddly enough she LOVES it there! I have yet to visit and part of me hopes she moves back to the East Coast before I have a chance to. I know, I know that sounds awful but really - I DESPISE being cold!
10. Where is your favorite place to go hiking (or to enjoy nature)?
I’m not a huge fan of hiking, so I'm going to go with the beach (duh..) for this one!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Baby You're a Firework