I can't believe the weekend is already over! Isnt' that how it always is though? The long weekends fly right by?
While Trey is napping I thought I'd try to sit down and share a quick recap of our weekend. I'm going to make it a goal to try and sit down and blog more over the holidays - there are always lots of fun moments that I want to capture and share!
We had a not-so-stressful Thanksgiving morning (for once!) and sat around and played and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade - the Mickey & Julius balloons were a huge hit in our home. I've hosted Thanksgiving here every year since I was 26. The first year we had 23 people attend. I had barely made dinner at that point in our marriage and was so nervous and scared. Each year it has gotten so much easier, I've learned tips and tricks along the way.
Did you know you can cook a Turkey upside down? Well, I did it by accident one year and it turned out AWESOME! Years later I read in a magazine that it's a great tip - that way the breast meat stays juicy.
(Great I'm sure I'm going to get all sorts of spam comments for that one! HA!)
This year we didn't have nearly as many people due to travel and other family plans but it was wonderful. Trey has so much fun playing with everyone and just eats up the attention.

I just adore this picture of him and my Mom together.
Before we knew it we were packing up sides to send home and putting Trey to bed.
I'm not a huge black Friday shopper - I like to order things online or I'll go out to the mall later in the day once everything has died down some. After Trey's nap we headed to the mall and picked him up some new shoes and a few small things.
We came home for Thanksgiving round two (leftovers!) with some good friends and let the kids stay up late watching Christmas movies. It was a fabulous night!
On Saturday morning my sweet MIL had an awesome day planned for us - horseback riding on the beach!! It was SO FUN!!! My horse's name was Cupid and was so sweet! It was a cold day but the way we were riding most of the time wasn't bad at all. One of the horses got a little crazy and tried to run off but for the most part it was just peaceful! We have already planned our next horseback riding trip at a nearby park.
Saturday evening I headed out to take Christmas pictures for the SIL and her fiance. I am by no means a professional (nor am I trying to be) but they just wanted some shots for their Christmas cards so I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. Here are a few! They were so easy because for real... they are SO in love and mushy!!
Speaking of, on Sunday I helped with a proposal! My maid of honor got engaged to her boyfriend (now fiance!) and it was wonderful! Sadly I don't have any pictures to share, but it was perfect and all captured by a professional photographer - complete with a mini engagement party thrown by one of my besties and myself!
Sunday evening ended with a nice quiet trip to our favorite Mexican restaurant, just J.D., Trey and myself and then snuggling by a fire downstairs while watching Revenge!!
Who else is obsessed? I just CANNOT get enough of that show!
I hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving weekend too!!!