*Online Party - Basically like a pampered chef, jewelry, tupperware, etc. type party but you don't have to drive to my house, pretend to like the wine I picked out, deal with crazy pressure to buy overpriced things you don't need (you can shop in your jammies with your own wine, her things are adorable, super reasonably priced and you actually need them with the holidays coming) AND you get a discount! Pretty cool, right?
Here are some A Touch of Whimsy holiday items that I am just loving!

I think these Preppy Holiday Presents are so cute! ($10 for a set of 12!)

I love gift enclosures - and these are so chic! ($12 for a set of 30)

I think these preppy recipe cards would be such a fun gift for a friend that loves to cook/bake! (A perfect price point, a set of 18 for $13)

And anything with a monogram/initial is fabulous in my book - I'm definitely going to pick up some of these return address labels for my Christmas cards & thank you cards! (And talk about a steal - these are $3.50 for 30!)
I could go on and on!
The 10% off code "BABYTREY10" is good until next Friday, November 26th. Let me know if you have any questions at all!
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