I grabbed some cellophane bags, put the duck and a lollipop inside, tied it up with bakers twine (also in the $1 section at Target!).
I created the tags on PicMonkey and had them printed at my local printer on a heavy card stock.
Side-note: I feel like getting tags or other party-type goodies printed there or at Office Max (versus at home) is totally worth the effort! It's dirt cheap and you can really tell the difference in person!
I used a 2" punch by Fiskars to cut them out and used my Cricut for the blue backing and added them on.
Easy Peasy!
And for the teachers (of course we couldn't forget OMGILOVEMISSKATHY his music teacher too!) I found these cute glass jars at TJ Maxx and filled them with Lindt truffles and Starbucks gift cards. I added the ribbons to the side to make them a little more festive!
This is similar to what I did at Christmas for them (Lindt truffles, fuzzy socks from Old Navy and Target gift cards) and they really seemed to like them. I never know what to get for the teachers!!
Any teachers reading? Suggestions are greatly appreciated!
So there you have it! Our Valentine's Day goodies! I'll be sharing what I picked up for Trey and made for J.D. next week!
You can also see the Valentines that I made last year here.
These are so cute! You are so creative!
Super cute! How did you create the tags on picmonkey? I've only used it to edit my own pictures.
These are both such adorable ideas! I'm sure the teachers and students will love them!
As for teacher gifts, you can never go wrong a gift card!
Those are the sweetest Valentines! I may have to steal/borrow the Lucky Duck idea for my daughter's class.
Former teacher here, and you're right on track with the candy and gift cards!
Former teacher here - you've got the perfect gifts! Chocolate and gift cards! Tasty and practical!
So so cute!
love the teacher gifts! seriously, you can never go wrong with a giftcard. I also loved when parents sent me a little questionnaire during teacher appreciation week asking for my favorites, such as favorite candy, flower, restaurant, place to shop, etc. Then each day of teacher appreciation week I would get my "favorite" things! For candy day, I'd get a "bouquet" of my favorite candies. For flower day, a pot of daisies. And at the end of the week they'd often do a "bigger" gift, such as a giftcard to Target and a little card to "enjoy the weekend and buy something fun for yourself!"
These are amazing. I am guessing you had the best gifts ;)
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
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