I have a ton of just random things I have wanted to blog about, remember or share and realized I needed to get them all out before my head explodes.
- Still haven't finished the "details" post of Trey's party, I hadn't realized just how much stuff I wanted to include!
- My Erin Condren planner isn't here yet and I am super bummed because I wanted to link up with everyone else today. Hopefully it'll be here soon!
- My dear friend M (hi M!!!) and I call Fall the "f" word. We are both beach girls through and through but for some reason lately I am finding myself craving things like PSL at Sbux, pumpkin muffins, riding boots, hoodies for Trey, etc. She said I should get myself to the beach for an intervention. I think she's right!

- The best money we have spent this summer is on our aquarium membership. Trey is obsessed with that place and we have already gone at least 5 or 6 times! We went today and Trey was in awe with this HUGE sea turtle that was bigger than him! It kept swimming up to him and looking at him (through the glass).
- We have been bottle free since last Thursday. I am so sad to pack away all of his bottles and make room for even more sippy cups than we already own! I also have to say I am loving our milk delivery service (J gets it too - she's the one that got me hooked) it's so easy to know I don't have to run out and get him milk and that it's super-duper fresh too. (Their banana bread is slightly addicting as well!)
- I went to see The Help tonight and I know that everyone has been raving about how good it is but I'll be honest. A. I didn't think I'd LOVE it B. I wanted to read the book first. Well I am still chugging through a library book I got a few weeks ago so I haven't read it and I'll be honest - I DID LOVE it. LOVED it. I plan on reading the book next! If you haven't go see it you must. Life changing really.
- I'm still loving Shakeology and still have some samples that I need to send out. (I haven't been to the post office in FOREVER!) I plan on getting them done this week. I have SO many clothes that fit now it's amazing. I never thought I'd be this size again! I spent hours Sunday organizing my closet and packing all of my larger sizes away. I'm not 100% done yet but it feels so good! (I still have a ways to go weight-wise but I'm so much happier these days!)

- We went to a bounce house birthday party on Saturday. Want to talk about a workout? My calves are still burning! The hubs wasn't able to go (he totally missed out but had to study) so we will have to take Trey back soon. He thought it was the coolest thing. He was so unsure of the slides at first (a neighbor sent him down with me waiting at the bottom) but then started smiling and clapping. The jumpy things were his favorite... mine too.. shocker.
- Trey has really gotten into sharing recently and I am loving it. He puts cheerios in my mouth, toys in my hand, tries to share his sippy with me. It's just the cutest thing and makes me fall even more in love with my sweet baby. These past few weeks have made me super emotional with his walking, party, trying new things, etc. I'm trying my best to savor every single precious moment!
See? I know. Random thoughts. We all have them right? And sometimes it's just good to get them out!
I love random posts! It's like a quick catch up on all that's been going on.
Yay for your continued weight loss. I really wish I did Shakeology after having my kids so many years ago. Instead, I drank Coke and ate Three Musketeers bars. LOL
We def need a coffee/catch up date soon!!
P.S. I'm so ready for Fall, I mean, the 'f' word, too.
PSL's debut in 21 days!
And I used the wrong email to log in. Oops!
He is so so cute! Love that he loves to share :)
I LOVED The Help. I really wanted to read it but just ran out of time I guess. I saw the movie with 3 other nannies and we were all crying! I am going to read the book eventually.
Oh no. I never want to get out of the bottle stage :(
Hadn't even thought of that!
I think I am the only one who didnt get an EC planner! and please ask Trey to teach peebs how to share! He does not want to share anything ESPECIALLY his momma. He even gets jealous of the dogs these days! ha
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