Wow!! How did my sweet itty-bitty little baby already turn two months!? This time has just flown by so quickly and I'm trying my hardest to stay present in every little moment, every smile, every hug, to just sit with Trey and smell his little baby smell.
We've already learned so much about him, what he likes, what he doesn't. How to stop crying before it starts, to know when he's tired and needs a nap - when to laugh because he's fussing or sticking his little lower lip out for no reason at all. I never realized that being a Mom would be so easy and so hard - all in the same breath.
We went to the peditrician this past Friday (for a reflux check up, his two month appt isn't until next week) and he weighed in at an awesome 11 lbs 15 oz ~ gaining almost an oz a day!! So DH and I are pretty sure that he was 12 lbs on his actual 2 month birthday, which was Monday.
During this month Trey became even more smiley and learned how to actually laugh! We about died the first time we saw it! All of a sudden he loves having his diaper changed, bath time with Daddy is his favorite thing to do (besides eat!) and is starting to really like stuffed animals and toys, a little crocodile from my friend A has been his favorite.
We had to move him from his bassinet to his crib and has been doing great. Although he was sleeping straight through the night before, over the past couple weeks he has wanted to get up at 5am to eat and usually goes back to sleep pretty easily. I'm still not really on a schedule with him but starting to research and we may be on one soon.
We left him with a "sitter" (DH's Mom's BFF) for the first time one day shy of his two month birthday. We probably would have never left him but some of our best friends had just given birth to their precious baby girl (aka Trey's girlfriend) and we were dying to visit them!
He's just outgrowing his 0-3 month clothes and I have lots of fun 3-6 month ones ready for him! Which is great because we have had some chilly temps and I hadn't bought any cold weather 0-3 mo clothes, I guess I just knew he'd be a big one!
DH and I are working hard to be excited for what's coming and not sad that our sweet little baby is growing up! It's crazy how fast he changed from looking and acting like a newborn and now he's a fun, laughing, playing baby!!
Happy 2 months sweet baby Trey!!
And I will also leave you with his 1 month picture since I never did a post for that!
The onesies he has on are just regular white ones - I got these awesome stickers from
Sticky Bellies! They are $15 for all 12 months and they shipped super quick. I think that they would make an great addition to any baby shower gift!!
(I did not receive these for a review - I bought them with my own moo-lah. I just thought they were fabulous and wanted to share!)