I came home to find these on my front porch - so sweet!

I was so excited to see that The North Face has started making Denali jackets for infants! I ordered this one for Trey off of Zappos.com (aka worlds BEST customer service)!! I ordered it Thursday night about 5pm and sure enough by the time I was home from lunch on Friday it was in my door! It fits Trey great - still pretty big - so I think it will be awesome for the winter. I like how thin it is (just like the ones DH and I have) so it will be easy for him to move around and play in.

Trey had his first date friday night with our friend's baby - she is so beautiful! They had a wild night as you see here! Lots of eating and sleeping!! It was great to see our friends - they gave birth to their sweet baby girl last weekend and are doing wonderful. It'll be so much fun to take them places together once they get a little bigger!

My sis-in-law was home from college for the weekend and she spent a ton of time with Trey. They are crazy about each other!! Over Thursday - Sunday we went to Panera, Target, Carters, Kohls, Longhorn, and hung out around the house. It was so great getting to see her!

On Sunday DH and I decided to try out the new cake pops at Starbucks. And while they aren't as tasty as mine - they also don't involve hours of time in the kitchen. So, for $1.50 each I was pleasantly surprised! I will definitely be picking them up again! (We tried the Rocky Road & Birthday cake.)

Love the little skeleton....I just bought one for Jamie over the weekend! And am I the only one alive who's never had a cake pop! Maybe I will have to try them at Starbucks.
It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! I love the roses and that was so sweet of your hubby to get them for you from him and Trey. The Denali jacket from The North Face is too precious. You must snap some pics when he starts wearing it.
That will be so great to have another baby so close in age for Trey to play with. I also think it’s nice that your sister got to see him this weekend.
I cannot believe that Starbucks is making cake pops now! They’ve gone commercial. I agree that nothing is as good as homemade.
Yay for organizing. I need to do some of the same and get ready for the long winter ahead.
I hope you’re doing great…XOXO
I have not heard about the cake pops. They sound so amazing! I love my Denali jacket. I hope Trey loves his as much as I do. The roses were so sweet. Yay for you having an awesome hubby and son.
What a cutie patootie!!! I love the little skeleton :)
Trey is getting so big!! Those baby Denali jackets are too cute!
I wore a similar skeleton onesie for my first Halloween! Still one of my fav baby outfits of all time... it's just so stinkin cute!!
Fantastic and productive weekend! Glad you blogged about the cake pops so i can try one next time i go to SB
Oh my gosh that little skeleton onesie!! I love it!!!
How is his reflux doing? He looks so, so good! I cannot believe how big he has gotten. Crazy..
And such a good gift giver already!
Looks like a very fun weekend! Little Trey just keeps getting cuter and cuter!
Trey is so adorable! Had no idea Starbucks has cake pops now. I must try them! I agree, homemade is always better though :)
Trey's costumes is adorable and it was so sweet of him to send you flowers!! :o)
How adorable and perfect is he?! Aww!
Love his outfit, too!
I hadn't heard of these cake pops until now...I hope they have them at my local Starbucks becuase I must try them :)
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