Today's blog challenge topic is all about your "special someone"! I'm so excited to write this post because it was so long ago that J.D. and I met and fell in love and I'd like to share that!
We met in 12th grade English class. Thank goodness for alphabetical order because we were placed next to one another. He was always staring at me and I kept thinking "what is he looking at?" "Is he looking at me?" "OMG does he like me?" Well a mutual friend confirmed that he did in fact, like me.
Days later he came over my house to watch Robin Hood for extra credit in class. We had our first kiss that day and it was magical. I still can remember every detail even today!
13 years later.
That's right, this October 12th will be 13 years since that first romantic (as romantic as one can be at 17) moment.
Like with any couple, we have had ups and downs, highs and lows but at the end of the day I know for a fact that there isn't anyone else I'd rather raise a family with, share my life with, and grow old with.
I feel so loved and secure when I am with him. No one else can ever make me feel so calm and happy. He always stands up for me and makes me feel like I am one in a million. I know this all sounds like a total sap fest but it's true, I love that he is Trey's Daddy because I know he will look up to him and want to be "just like da-da" and that makes my heart smile. I know that J.D.'s main goal everyday is to make sure that Trey and I are loved and well taken care of, I know that we are truly blessed.
So pardon all of the mush around here today but I thought I'd share some old random pictures of "my special someone"!
I started stealing pictures off of my Snapfish account and got a little out of control. Feel free to skip the picture overload that is about to occur!

He does so well dealing with some of my crazy shenanigans.

Watching him turn into such an amazing father has made me fall more and more in love with him!

He's my soulmate and best friend and that's all there is to it!