Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 3: Tell Us About Your Job

Day 3: Tell Us About Your Job

My job can be summed up into one sentence: My day is spent trying to keep Trey happy and from hurting himself.

Kidding. Sort of.

I know so many of you wonder what us stay at home moms do all day. I can assure you it's not sit around and eat Bon Bons, drink wine and watch the real housewives. Or go get mani-pedis. Or shower.

Basically I have the best job on the planet. And while some days are trying, like with any "job" I wouldn't change it for the world.

Because I'm not bringing in an income we are very frugal with the things we do and buy and a lot of days I search for local free activities, which is also the reason why part of our tax return went to Trey's Little Gym membership and our aquarium membership.

I was worried that when I made mom friends that they would want to do all sorts of pricey things but luckily that hasn't been the case so far. We do story time, the beach, library, almost every park that's nearby, play areas, crafts, play dates at each other's houses. These things are great because not only do I get a chance to have some adult interaction (which is nice because then I don't have word vomit everywhere when JD walks in the door) the kids also get a chance to play with and learn from one another.

A (non-mom) friend of mine has often called me the busiest non-working person she's ever met. And I always laugh. I do try to make sure we have at least one "Trey-centered" activity per day - which could mean anything from his story-time, the children's museum to just an arts and crafts type afternoon in our kitchen.

My goal everyday is for him to be healthy, happy and feel loved.

Everything else is secondary. I will say I do try to cook, clean and do laundry on a daily basis, usually during nap times. J.D. doesn't get home until around 7-7:30 every night so we don't have a lot of evening time to do things as a family besides dinner and maybe a trip to the park or for a snack.

In my prior life I was an executive assistant for a VP and later an advertising sales exec. And I loved working, sometimes I miss parts of going to an actual job everyday but I know in my heart and soul that staying home with Trey (and our future babies) is truly what I am meant to do!

And remember if you'd like to join in the fun it's not too late. Go visit Katie's Blog!


Anonymous said...

Love the pin...and the post. :) And I remember when you first posted that picture - it always makes me want to have dark hair! You look way better with it, though. ;)

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

What an excellent job description, and I'm glad it's one you love too. I often tell people my job is keeping my little guy feeling safe & loved - and, actually, that goes for the big / guy husband type too.